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9月30日欧盟发布法规(EU)2015/1739,修订关于食品添加剂的法规(EC)No 1333/2008附件II和(EU) No 231/2012的附件,批准酒石酸铁作为抗结剂用于盐及代盐制品。本法规自公布二十日起生效。
The European Food Safety Authority evaluated the safety of iron tartrate, which is a complexation product of sodium tartrate and iron (III) chloride, as a food additive and in its opinion (4) of 9 December 2014 concluded that, taking into account toxicological data and the conservative assumptions included in the exposure assessment, there is no safety concern for its use as an anti-caking agent in salt and its substitutes at the level of use proposed.
Addition of an anti-caking agent to salt and its substitutes is considered necessary in order to improve flow properties and to avoid the formation of hardened agglomerates when exposed to moisture and during storage. The use of iron tartrate can serve as an alternative to other currently authorised additives, such as ferrocyanides (E 535-538) and silicon dioxide silicates (E 551-553)。 It is therefore appropriate to authorise the use of iron tartrate as an anti-caking agent in salt and its substitutes and to assign E 534 as E-number to that additive.
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