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  • 发布时间:2024-9-7
  • 详细信息

    Waddington工厂*代理商 上海航欧代理Waddington电源,Waddington控制器,Waddington动力控制, http://www.waddingtonelectronics.com/contact/China.html Waddington Electric was founded in 1956 by my grandfather. The company did machine and industrial wiring. Prior to this, he was an employee of Brown and Sharp, and had completed a full apprenticeship program there. My father ran the company from about 1962, when my grandfather decided to retire to Florida. We changed the name to Waddington Electronics in the 80s to better reflect the times. The bulk of our business concentrated on supplying custom CNC machine control panels to many of the machine tool builders in the southern New England area. We built our first roll feeds in 1984, outsourcing all of the machining. 主要型号:PSPCB10000 PSPCB10000-BIN PSENC10000 PSENC10031 PSENC10032 PSENC10009 PSENC10010 PSENC10000-NE PSENC10001 PSENC10021 PSENC10035 PSENC50002 PCDIO10003 PCDIO10008 PCDIO10000 PCDIO10008 PCDIO10003 PCDIO10000 STTOPLIMIT1 STTOPLIMIT2 STBOTTOMLIMIT1 STBOTTOMLIMIT2 ST2NDTOPLIMIT ST2NDBOTTOMLIMI PSCBL70012 PSCBL70006 PSCBL70008 PSCBL70013 PSCBL70014 PSCBL70019 PSCBL70015 WESTAMRSH2R1 WESTAMRSH2R2 WESTAMRSH2R2SST WESTAMRSH3 WESTAMRSH2R1H WESTAMRSH2R2H WESTAMRSH2FG WESTAMRSH2R1H WESTAMRSH2R2HFG WESTASSH1 WESTASSH2 STHEAD sonatrol head options Extra sensors WESTAMRSH2R1 mrsh-2/r1 5in-20ft sonarsensor 3800 WESTAMRSH2R2 mrsh-2/r2 18in-20ft sonarsenso 3800 WESTAMRSH2R2SST mrsh-2/r2 18in-20ft ss transdu 5500 WESTAMRSH3 sonatrol sensor with dual 7700 WESTAMRSH2R1H r1sensor w/ horn N 8800 WESTAMRSH2R2H r2sensor w/ horn N 8800 WESTAMRSH2FG mrsh-2fg sensor r2 fixed gain 0000 WESTAMRSH2R2HFG r2sensor w/ horn andfixed gain N 2000 WESTASSSH1 r-1 stainless steel sensor 7500 WESTASSSH2 r-2 stainless steel sensor 7500 STWESTA30FT st6z mods for 30 ft range Range Mods WESTA30FT st6z mods for 30 ft range 000 STWESTAAOAB air output a/b option WESTAAOAB air output a / b selec switch $ - STWESTAAUTO/MAN auto manual out put option WESTAAUTO/MAN auto/manual selector switch $ - STWESTAF/V1 freq to voltage option WEEZAFV1 f/v-1 frequency to voltage oe Y $ - STWESTAGUIDE001 sensor guide adjust able width call WESTASTANDWH1 stand-wh sensor stand w/wheels N 3000 STWESTAMTRSEL dc motor sel a/b contactor WESTAMTRSEL dc motor sel a/b contactor 5000 STWESTAUTF1 upper time filter option WESTAUTF1 utf-1 upper time filter option $ - STWEST/F1 voltage to frequecny option PSMDL04 v/f-1 voltage to frequency $ - WESTAQCON Sensor Head quick connector $ - STWESTAMUX2 option analog multiplier WESTAMUX2 mux-2 analog multiplier option 8900 STWESTAHVAO1 option 0-90v dc output WESTAHVAO1 hvao-1 0-90vdc output option 2500 STWESTAJOG option jog option WESTAJOG jog pushbutton option $ - STWESTALFO1 option ac line filter WESTALFO1 lfo-1 ac line filter option 500 STWESTATAP1 option percent taper option WESTATAP1 tap-1 percent taper option 1800 STWESTATW1 option limit thumbwheel setpoi WESTATW1 thumbwheel set point pot 5000 STWESTARP1 option remote distance pot WESTARP1 rp-1 10 turn remote distance 000 STWESTARP2 option remote gain pot WESTARP2 rp-2 ten turn remote gain 000 STWESTARP3 option remote speed on output WESTARP3 option remote speed on output 000 STWESTAPT1 option payoff/takeup switch WESTAPT1 payout take up switch option 500 STWESTAFR1 option forward reverse switch WESTAFR1 fr-1 forward-reverse switch 500 STWESTAMAO20 option 4-20 ma output current loop optput WESTAMAO20 mao-20 4-20ma output option 6600 STWESTAMAO10 option 0-10 ma output WESTAMAO10 mao-10 0-10ma output option 6600 STWESTABOB1 option 12 bit binary output 12 bit binary output WESTABOB1 bob-1 12bit binary output 5000 STWESTASY2M option sy2 sequencer(master op Sequencer for 2 units operating close together WESTASY2M sy2-m sy-2 sequencer master 5000 master STWESTASYS option sle option WESTASYS sy-s sle option 000 sle STWESTASY8 option sy8 sequencer WESTASY8 sy-8 8 unit sequencing option 6000 8 CH sequencer for up to 8 units close together STWESTASTAND1 option sensorhead stand WESTASTAND1A stand-1 sensor head stand N 0900 Sensor Stands WESTASTAND10 stand with spool guide N $ - WESTASTAND1B sensor head stand with guides N $ - STWESTASTANDWH1 stand-wh sensor stand w/wheels WESTASTANDWH1 stand-wh sensor stand w/wheels N 8200 STWESTARAAC1 cable adapter rapid air raac1 Adapter Cables for other OEM equipment WESTARAAC1 raac-1 5 pin rapid adapter 000 STWESTARAAC2 option 15 pin rapidair cable WESTARAAC2 raac-2 V2 rapid air adapter 500 STWESTARAAC2J option 15 pin rapidair cable WESTARAAC2J raac-2j rapid air adapter 0000 STWESTAGOODMAN1 option cable to goodman cutter WESTAGOODMAN1 goodman cutter adapter 15 ft 000 STWESTARAAC3 option d shell rapidair connec WESTARAAC3 rapid air d-shell adapter 500 STWESTADIV2 option analog divider WESTADIV2 div-2 analog divider option 0000 STWESTABSO1 option base speed option WESTABSO1 bso-1 base speed option 7500 STWESTAAOM1 option anolog meter output meters WESTAAOM2 analog meter 0-90 vdc $ - WESTAAOM1 aom-1 analog output meter+-15 0000 STWESTADMS1 option digital display WESTADMS1 dms-1 digital display 9900 STWESTAEAO1 option extra analog output Extra analog outputs WESTAEAO1 eoa-1 normal extra analog 5000 STWESTAEAON1 option extra analog output inv WESTAEAON1 eaon-1 inverted extra analog 5000 STWESTADUAL option relay for dual sensor o WESTADUAL relay option for dual heads 6500 Relay for 2nd sensor switchable STWESTATOGGLE option on off toggle switch WESTATOGGLE on/off toggle switch option 500 on off power switch STWESTASUM3 option line speed summing WESTASUM3 sum-3 3input summing amplifier 7600 Summing input STWESTATC6 option tension control(auto/ma WESTATC6 tc-6 tension control option 0000 STWESTADF1 option dust filter option Dust filter for sensor WESTADF1 df-1 dust filter for 500 STWESTAPID2 option pid output WESTAPID2 pid2 output option 6500 PID Output STWESTAONOFF two setpoint on off control WESTAONOFF 2-set point on/off relay 500 dual setpoint On/Off relay WEPTAONOFFNS WEPTAPT1LSA WEPTAPT1-1 PTTOPLIMIT WEPTATL1 PTBOTTOMLIMIT WEPTABL1 PTSTAND WEPTASTAND PTWESTAEXTBASE WESTAEXTBASE STWESTAMAO20 WESTAMAO20 STWESTAMAO10 WESTAMAO10 STWESTARAAC1 WESTARAAC1 STWESTARAAC2 WESTARAAC2 STWESTARAAC2J WESTARAAC2J STWESTARAAC3 WESTARAAC3 STWESTASUM3 WESTASUM3 PSOSDA10003 PSENC10032-PT





    特别提醒: 以上信息由企业自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,请谨慎采用,风险自负。双方在交易时应主动核实对方身份。如发现虚假信息,请及时报告给我们。


